
Wild Blueberry Stewards

For the past year, Still Water co-director Joline Blais has been president of the Wild Blueberry Heritage Center, headquartered in a physical museum in Columbia Falls and online at The museum is an extension of the Wild Blueberry Lands

Web archiving illustration

Preserving the most ephemeral of media

As more of our work and entertainment moves online, the challenge of preserving websites and social media becomes increasingly urgent. In an interactive discussion on Friday 17 April at 1pm EDT entitled “Web Archiving for Everyone,” the latest guest speaker in UMaine’s Digital Curation program presents new tools and techniques for saving Internet culture for …

Preserving the most ephemeral of media Read More »

Is reinterpretation the new emulation?

Reinterpretation as a preservation strategy has been called “radical” and “dangerous,” yet this unconventional approach has seen a surge of interest in preservation communities in the past year. In a departure from conventional wisdom about conservation, a group of European preservation experts recently invited Still Water’s Jon Ippolito to reassess this controversial technique as a …

Is reinterpretation the new emulation? Read More »

Re-collection book tour pleads for digital preservation from Toronto to Taiwan

In 2015 Re-collection: Art, New Media and Social Memory continued to gather attention from libraries, universities, and the press. This just-published MIT Press book by Richard Rinehart and Still Water Co-Director Jon Ippolito surveys new paradigms and techniques for safeguarding culture for future generations in the face of imminent technological obsolescence. Since last summer the …

Re-collection book tour pleads for digital preservation from Toronto to Taiwan Read More »

Will your obsolete software live on in the cloud?

If you’re over 30, chances are you’ve stumbled on a CD-ROM, game cartridge, or floppy disk in a box that you’d like to access but can’t, because you’ve long gotten rid of the hardware that went with it. Maybe you imagined your local library or museum has been stockpiling vintage Ataris and Mac 512s, but …

Will your obsolete software live on in the cloud? Read More »

Joline Blais fills digital frames with local color

Maine has long held a fascination for out-of-state writers and artists, who have evoked the state’s pristine forests and rocky coastline in stories and paintings. But what is it like to grow up here? The Bangor Daily News recently showcased a series of “digital postcards” created for a New Media class taught by Still Water …

Joline Blais fills digital frames with local color Read More »

Special online discussion celebrates publication of Re-collection

The July discussion on the Yasmin email list focuses on MIT Press’s publication last month of Re-Collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory by Richard Rinehart and Jon Ippolito, which has been called the first academic book on new media preservation. Re-collection examines the challenge posed by new media to our long-term social memory, examining …

Special online discussion celebrates publication of Re-collection Read More »

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