
At the Edge of Art (cover)

Technology is not neutral. Just ask the artists

How has the boundary between art and non-art shifted in the Internet age, and what does that mean for design, activism, science, and other creative activities? This question is the subject of a Dario Moalli’s fall 2019 interview with Still Water co-directors Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito in the venerable periodical Hestetika (Aesthetics). The issue …

Technology is not neutral. Just ask the artists Read More »

Joline Blais and Stephanie Burnett in the Roger Clapp Greenhouse, 2019

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that

Consumers are increasingly eager to eat local produce, but farm-to-table options in the cold season aren’t always easy to find in a northern state like Maine. That could change thanks to a new mobile app designed to help farmers optimize greenhouse conditions in the winter months, from a team led by Still Water co-director Joline …

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that Read More »

Is reinterpretation the new emulation?

Reinterpretation as a preservation strategy has been called “radical” and “dangerous,” yet this unconventional approach has seen a surge of interest in preservation communities in the past year. In a departure from conventional wisdom about conservation, a group of European preservation experts recently invited Still Water’s Jon Ippolito to reassess this controversial technique as a …

Is reinterpretation the new emulation? Read More »

Joline Blais’ students take to the woods and the air

New Media student projects are more than term papers to be chucked when the semester’s over. Many enjoy a renewed life after graduation, as demonstrated by recent TV and news articles on outdoor-oriented ventures from the 2015 capstone course taught by Still Water Co-Director Joline Blais. From drone classes for high school students to mobile …

Joline Blais’ students take to the woods and the air Read More »

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