
Wild Blueberry Stewards

For the past year, Still Water co-director Joline Blais has been president of the Wild Blueberry Heritage Center, headquartered in a physical museum in Columbia Falls and online at The museum is an extension of the Wild Blueberry Lands

At the Edge of Art (cover)

Technology is not neutral. Just ask the artists

How has the boundary between art and non-art shifted in the Internet age, and what does that mean for design, activism, science, and other creative activities? This question is the subject of a Dario Moalli’s fall 2019 interview with Still Water co-directors Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito in the venerable periodical Hestetika (Aesthetics). The issue …

Technology is not neutral. Just ask the artists Read More »

Joline Blais and Stephanie Burnett in the Roger Clapp Greenhouse, 2019

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that

Consumers are increasingly eager to eat local produce, but farm-to-table options in the cold season aren’t always easy to find in a northern state like Maine. That could change thanks to a new mobile app designed to help farmers optimize greenhouse conditions in the winter months, from a team led by Still Water co-director Joline …

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that Read More »

QuaranZine, 2020

New Media students craft Covid19 stories

COVID-19 came suddenly and with a wallop, forcing classes to operate remotely, canceling sports events, and leaving campuses empty last spring. Fortunately, New Media faculty and students have already been experimenting with digital tools for collaboration, like e-portfolios, web-based F2F classes, videoconferencing and discussion platforms like Slack.

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