
“Right To Unmake” CAA panel examines Lego-like creativity

While the maker movement continues to gather publicity, one of its most critical dynamics seldom makes the headlines: the right to unmake. Now the College Art Association has published a call for presentations on unmaking and “Lego-like” creativity for its next annual conference in Los Angeles in February 2018.

Whether red or blue, you need net neutrality

In the past year, the Internet has become a place where strong opinions clash. Yet there’s one priority that should matter to both sides: the health of the platform on which these debates take place. The free and open Internet is under attack again by opponents of net neutrality. Whether your political tastes are right, …

Whether red or blue, you need net neutrality Read More »

Jon Ippolito awarded grant in support of innovative publication platform

A Still Water project by Jon Ippolito aimed at linking thematically similar academic essays across the Web has been awarded an initial grant of $10,000 by the Thoma Foundation. Founding philanthropists Carl and Marilynn Thoma also hosted a presentation at New York’s School of Visual Arts last December to honor the inaugural recipients of the …

Jon Ippolito awarded grant in support of innovative publication platform Read More »

No WordPress for the Waramungu: How to build a culturally sensitive archive

As visiting luminary for the UMaine Digital Curation graduate program’s fall 2015 teleconference, Craig Dietrich challenged its students to consider how culturally sensitive archives and linked data can break the monoculture of one-size-fits-all paradigms for access and publication.

Still Water’s John Bell accepts Dartmouth digital humanities position

Starting this September, Still Water Senior Researcher John Bell will be starting a full-time position with the Dartmouth Research Commons at Dartmouth College. Bell will be spearheading the development of an innovative institutional repository for this elite university as well as galvanizing digital collaborations with humanities faculty across campus. Fortunately for us, Bell will continue …

Still Water’s John Bell accepts Dartmouth digital humanities position Read More »

How to turn a conference upside-down in four steps

One of the challenges of Maine’s first THATCamp (the 2013 Digital Humanities Week) was how to get 60 people to decide what they want to learn together. Fortunately, several of the participants offered creative solutions that may be of use to the organizers of any democratically determined conversation.

Bottoms up! Maine’s first THATCamp 7-10 October

Using a 3-D printer. Custom-styling a WordPress blog. Growing your own medicine. Conducting a social media campaign with YouTube and Twitter. Is there a skill you wanted to learn but haven’t found the teacher or time to learn it? Create your own class in exactly what you want to learn at this year’s Digital Humanities …

Bottoms up! Maine’s first THATCamp 7-10 October Read More »

Digital Curation graduate program to launch September 2012

The Digital Curation program is a two-year graduate certificate, taught online, intended for professionals working in museums, archives, artist studios, government offices, and anywhere that people need to manage digital files. The program walks students through the phases of managing digitized or born-digital artifacts, including acquisition, representation, access, and preservation. Registration opens soon!

Are footnotes obsolete? Craig Dietrich at SCMS

Screengrab of Debra Levine’s DEMONSTRATING ACT UP Scalar project Are footnotes obsolete? At this month’s Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference, Craig Dietrich suggests crediting other scholars is still necessary, but it’s no longer enough. The Still Water Senior Researcher and USC digital studies professor argues that run-of-the-mill citation methods don’t cut it in …

Are footnotes obsolete? Craig Dietrich at SCMS Read More »

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