
Crowdsourcing education with the iDC

John Bell and Jon Ippolito are featured participants for “Mobility Shifts,” part of the iDC (Institute for Distributed Creativity) forum (New York, New York ) September 2011, where they will lead a discussion on the community underpinnings necessary to promote DIY learning. They will frame some questions about whether DIY education can be ramped up to the scale …

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The Pool featured in digital learning anthology

The Pool is one of the software packages showcased in Trebor Scholz’s 2011 anthology Learning Through Digital Media: Experiments in Technology and Pedagogy, along with Facebook, Tumblr, and Second Life. Available as a printed or eBook, the text surveys “how both ready-at-hand proprietary platforms and open-source tools can be used to create situations in which …

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Gardening field days at LongGreenHouse

The Still Water Permaculture Guild, located at 5 Chapel Road in Orono (LongGreenHouse), is inviting anyone who is interested to come to their “field days” this Friday (April 22) and next Wednesday (April 27), from 12 noon to 4pm. The Guild has been working to transform a normal residential yard into a perennial garden with …

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Still Water Permaculture Guild launches green living at UMaine

This fall, five UMaine students will practice sustainable living as part of their education  in a permaculture homestead at the south edge of campus . Inheriting a greenhouse, coldframe, swaled garden beds, perennial gardens and the planting of food forest trees along a corridor into campus from former student projects onsite,these students will model green living …

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Academia 2.0? Not yet for these mossbacks

Academics are taking their own sweet time adapting to a networked world, at least to judge from two reports that surfaced on the iDC discussion list last week. To judge from Neil Selwyn’s “The Educational Significance of Social Media” and to the UC Berkeley study “Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication,” there are still …

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U-Me Permaculture students survey Belfast ecovillage

On 2 May 2010, Joline Blais gives a Permaculture walkthrough and workshop for University of Maine students at the Belfast CoHousing & Ecovillage, Belfast, Maine. Students in Emily Markides PAX class see a real ecovillage under construction and find out how its members balance practicality and idealism from BCHE member Blais and Radical Simplicity author …

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2010 Capstones think outside the box–and past graduation

This year’s crop of New Media Majors from the graduating class have created more than just a couple dozen outstanding capstone projects. By inventing startup companies based on cradle-to-cradle design and other local economies, many have envisioned a future for themselves in which earning a living is compatible with living sustainably. And some have businesses …

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