
U-Me Permaculture students survey Belfast ecovillage

On 2 May 2010, Joline Blais gives a Permaculture walkthrough and workshop for University of Maine students at the Belfast CoHousing & Ecovillage, Belfast, Maine. Students in Emily Markides PAX class see a real ecovillage under construction and find out how its members balance practicality and idealism from BCHE member Blais and Radical Simplicity author …

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2010 Capstones think outside the box–and past graduation

This year’s crop of New Media Majors from the graduating class have created more than just a couple dozen outstanding capstone projects. By inventing startup companies based on cradle-to-cradle design and other local economies, many have envisioned a future for themselves in which earning a living is compatible with living sustainably. And some have businesses …

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Metaserver featured in HASTAC’s Grand Challenges and Global Innovations Conference

Still Water Senior Researchers John Bell and Craig Dietrich join Nicole Starosielski, Vanessa Vobis, and Jon Ippolito in the online presentation “Avoiding a Cultural Bottleneck: Networked, Distributed, and Agile Collaborations” as part of the HASTAC 2010: Grand Challenges and Global Innovations Conference. The projects presented include the Metaserver and other projects of Forging the Future.

Still Water at NetSci2010

A network analysis of The Pool will be featured at the Leonardo satellite symposium on Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks at the NetSci2010 conference on 10 May in Boston. This conference, held at the lab founded by renowned network theorist Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, brings together a cross-disciplinary group of scientists, artists, and scholars to examine …

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LGH Tour with Orono PC Meetup

Bill Giordano hosted the Penobscot Valley Permaculture Meetup by giving a tour of the LongGreenHouse grounds. Visitors feasted on Young Me’s cheesecake, potato salad made with our own duck eggs, sample a variety of greens in the polyculture bed, and strategized solutions for the persistent university stormwater run-off that flows into the north corner of …

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Seedling Workshop

Learn how to plant seedlings with Eliot Coleman’s soil blocks. Just bring seedling soil (low nitrogen, plenty of vermiculite, green sand, perlite and peat; Johnny’s 512 mix is ideal), and a flat tray to put the block on, and we’ll supply the seeds. See how you can plant a flat of soil blocks that easily …

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