
Glen Weyl Digital Curation teleconference

Can the next web solve the Internet’s problems?

Disinformation. Tech monopolies. Surveillance capitalism. For all its benefits, our current Internet is rife with vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the powerful and lead to an erosion of trust among the rest of us. The latest of UMaine’s Digital Curation teleconferences asks whether changes to the fundamental dynamic of the web might help us

Can the next web solve the Internet’s problems? Read More »

Joline Blais and Stephanie Burnett in the Roger Clapp Greenhouse, 2019

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that

Consumers are increasingly eager to eat local produce, but farm-to-table options in the cold season aren’t always easy to find in a northern state like Maine. That could change thanks to a new mobile app designed to help farmers optimize greenhouse conditions in the winter months, from a team led by Still Water co-director Joline

Farm-fresh produce in Maine year-round? Now there’s an app for that Read More »

Digital Curation’s John Bell wins NEH grant for knocking down the silos between archives

In a world where a search box is usually the only way to enter an online archive, John Bell builds wrecking balls that tear down the walls between institutional silos. His latest project, a collaboration with Dartmouth and UMaine’s VEMI lab, has won a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to help scholars access and

Digital Curation’s John Bell wins NEH grant for knocking down the silos between archives Read More »

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