Poets and Pundits Pounce on ThoughtMesh

Over forty authors from the National Poetry Foundation’s conference on poetry of the seventies have published their work using a new Still Water tool that reveals connections among different peoples’ writing. Now poets and poetry scholars at other universities appear to be jumping on the bandwagon. Who knew that “1973” and “John Ashbery” were on

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Why GMOs are not safe “Genetically modified foods are linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. They are banned in Europe and elsewhere, yet GMOs are present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US. Consumers are already moving

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Welcome Craig and Vanessa, new Research Fellows!

Craig Dietrich and Vanessa Vobis have been announced as 2008-2009 Still Water Research Fellows. Artist-researcher Craig Dietrich engineers interfaces for creative and scholarly examinations of transnational culture using tools as varied as streaming video, database-driven Flash interfaces, cell-phone texting, and Dashboard widgets. Dietrich’s collaborations in the intersection between digital media and transnational culture include the

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Anthropologists Dig the Cross-Cultural Partnership

Still Water Research Fellow and Wabanaki elder gkisedtanamoogk joined Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito in presenting Still Water’s innovative legal template for fostering collaboration across cultural divides at a Cambridge University conference entitled Subversion, Conversion, Development: Public Interests in Technologies. Meant to expand the conversation begun at Still Water’s 2006 and 2007 Connected Knowledge conferences,

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Demise of Nations

How to Uproot the System and Replace it with People Power “There is actually no global justice movement. “Global justice” instead is a common space of convergence-a framework where everyone who fights against the system we call corporate globalization (or capitalism, empire, imperialism, neoliberalism, etc) and its impacts on our communities can make common cause

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