
Scavenger Hunt app

Make a mobile app for your collection in this workshop

Curators hoping to augment their collections with interactive exhibits often forget that today’s visitors walk in the door with powerful digital interfaces already sitting in their pockets. For the 2020 Maine Archives and Museums conference on October 8th, Still Water Co-director Jon Ippolito offers a workshop that walks participants through the creation of a cross-platform …

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Wagging the Long Tail of Digital Preservation

The German town of Karlsruhe is no stranger to advanced technology, as home to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the ZKM Center for Art and Technology Karlsruhe. In his keynote for the November 2014 Digital Archiving conference at the ZAK Center for Digital Tradition (CODIGT), Still Water Co-Director Jon Ippolito presented advanced technologies …

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Day of the Dead (Media): how aficionados can help revive dying culture

Professionals across the spectrum of cultural heritage institutions are struggling to keep up with an increasingly digital landscape, as confirmed by the 30-odd contributions to Mexico’s first Symposium on Audiovisual and Digital Archiving (SIPAD). Today’s curators and conservators have their hands full coping with constantly changing video formats and Web standards, not to mention convincing …

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