Still Water Senior Researcher Craig Dietrich chaired the panel “Born-Digital Scholarship: New Strategies, Projects, and Possibilities” at HASTAC III: Traversing Digital Boundaries, University of Illinois, April 21st, 2009.
Along with introducing the panel, Craig presented an overview of ThoughtMesh and the Variable Media Questionnaire to an audience of digital humanities scholars and tools builders. ThoughtMesh, a system developed for Still Water, and the VMQ, produced by Forging the Future, are similar in their “bottom-up,” folksonomic networks creating useful links between media and promoting better preservation through distribution.
Also in April, Forging the Future researcher Caitlin Jones participated in an expert meeting at ICKAmsterdam from the 14th to the 19th. This meeting brought together dancers, choreographers, and preservation experts to explore new strategies for sustaining the most ephemeral medium of all–dance.