
Preserving Virtual Worlds asks whether crowdsourcing can save vintage videogames

Preserving Virtual Worlds, an IMLS-funded initiative organized by the universities of Illinois, Stanford, and Maryland, was founded with an ambitious goal: to explore innovative methods for preserving the rich legacy of video games. Its case studies have ranged from vintage games like DOOM and Harpoon to more contemporary Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games such as […]

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Crowdsourcing education with the iDC

John Bell and Jon Ippolito are featured participants for “Mobility Shifts,” part of the iDC (Institute for Distributed Creativity) forum (New York, New York ) September 2011, where they will lead a discussion on the community underpinnings necessary to promote DIY learning. They will frame some questions about whether DIY education can be ramped up to the scale

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