Beyond Copyright/left

This week’s Potluck will be held Tues (instead of Thursday) to accommodate special guests Craig Dietrich and Vanessa Vobis, whose works in Intermedia are changing the terms of art-making and programming.


Join us for:

Beyond Copyright and Copyleft
5 Chapel Road
Potluck at LongGreenHouse
Craig Dietrich talks about the Mukurtu Archive he helped to design for the Warumungu people of Australia and the balance it strikes between providing access while preserving cultural norms of privacy and sacred knowledge. The demo of this innovative software serves as a point of departure for a conversation about the connections between indigenous and electronic networks, as well as the role of local determination in an age of global politics.

Other participants include elders from the Penobscot, Mi’kmaq, and Wampanoag communities and New Media faculty and students.

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