Permaculture Designs
Click on the image below to view design plans for LongGreenHouse created by the UMaine Fall 07 Permaculture class, taught by Emily Markides, Julia & Charles Yelton and Joline Blais.
Click on the image below to view design plans for LongGreenHouse created by the UMaine Fall 07 Permaculture class, taught by Emily Markides, Julia & Charles Yelton and Joline Blais.
Videos of Permacuture workshop Fall 07 VIDEO #1 : Greenhouse, Swales, Wassookeag Children Overall view of the permaculture workshop VIDEO #2 : 60s Greenhouse Raising the greenhouse VIDEO #1 : 60s Swales Forming the swales
Catherine Martin, internationally award-winning film maker from Nova Scotia visits LongGreenHouse Nov 7-8 as part of a two-day tribute to Rita Joe, Mi’kmaq poet-laureate. Betsy Arntzen from the Canadian-American Center joins the Indigenous Media class onsite to discuss Catherine’s films.
Today Emily, Charles, Julia, Claudia, Joline & Bill met with Univ of Maine Sustainability Alliance to discuss the possibility of transforming the abandoned York Village into a Sustainable Living/Learning Center on the LongGreenHouse model. The project would unite LongGreenHouse, a food and wetlands corridor with root zone & pond, and the York cluster for student …
Scott Wilkerson, Director of Stormwater Management at UMaine, paid a visit to LongGreenHouse to assess the flow of stormwater from University parking lots and athletic fields through the site. As a result of meetings with permaculture students and professors, Scott suggested a reclamation plan in which the University would partner with students to design and …
Today we visited York Village to consider the possibility of taking on the greening of a University Dorm–along an arc of greening projects from LongGreenHouse, to a food corridor, to a wetlands walk to a campus Living Learning Center for sustainability. Afterwards, we returned to LongGreenHouse to work on the swales, and green house and …
This weekend, Students of Permaculture gathered at LongGreenHouse to design and carve swales, build a 4-season greenhouse, and a 12 foot coldframe.
Wassookeag Children visit Abbe Museum with Debbie Bell-Smith, gkisedtanamoogk, and parents. We learned that “life was good here” for Wabanaki people before colonization, and we saw evidence of Wabanaki art, craft, dress, customs as compared to other Native cultures of North America.
On September 4, 2007, we launched a collaboration that brings together Indigenous Culture, Permaculture, and Digital Culture.
LongGreenHouse LongGreenHouse is a cross-cultural partnership for deep sustainability involving Anikwom WholeLife Center, PermacultureMe, and UMaine Still Water Lab. Weaving together Indigenous culture, Permaculture, and Digital Culture, the project develops a Living/Learning model for sustainable living in this bioregion based on the intersection of evolutionary wisdom, natural patterns, and social networking. We run a multi-age integrated …