Upward Bound students at UMaine joined us at LongGreenHouse through July to re-connect to the Earth via permaculture gardening.
“Someone needs to cut the lawn,” they muttered upon arriving. But before leaving they learned about wild strawberries, dynamic accumulator weeds, and sacred spirals that just don’t work on conventionally mowed lawns.
They also helped to plant and trellis the 4-season green house with tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, eggplant, and peppers, while sharing stories of food customs in their families and communities. Some turned over the compost pile and dug out fresh, fertile compost for planting, while others planted comfrey, garlic, and beans beneath the two apple trees to produce a mutual aid society of plants we call a “guild”.
And in discussions with gkisedtanamoogk and Miigam’agan, they learned about the ceremonial and sacred connection to the Earth practiced among members of the Wabanaki Longhouse, and that this practice is vigorous and alive among the Wabanaki all over Maine and the Maritimes.
Most importantly, they were invited to join the growing family of LongGreenHouse and Wassokeag as new relations in this local “eco-hood.”