Below are some of the main projects sponsored by Still Water. You can find more info for each project on the projects’ own websites or in the blog categories for each. Click on project titles or choose the categories in the sidebar for more info.
LongGreenHouse is a cross-cultural partnership for regeneration of social and ecological networks and webs, involving Anikwom WholeLife Center, Permaculture Club, and Still Water Lab at UMaine.
Moving beyond sustainability LongGreenHouse weaves together Indigenous culture, Permaculture, and Digital Culture. Together we are developing a Living/Learning model for thriving cultures in this bioregion based on the intersection of evolutionary wisdom, natural patterns, and social networking.
We run a multi-age integrated homeschool, Wassookeag, based on an experiential and ecological curriculum; operate a Permaculture research lab for UMaine graduate and undergrads; develop and implement protocol for Longhouse living in partnership with Wabanak elders; and develop global social networks with state of the art network technologies.
Established in 1985, Wassookeag is a nondenominational, not-for-profit cooperative homeschool based on parent involvement, ecological curriculum, and experiential learning for grades 1 through 8. We are a community of home school students, university students and faculty, families, elders and educators with a shared philosophy working to create a progressive learning environment based on Earth Community. We build community by nurturing each child’s individual strengths and accommodating their needs in a responsive and respectful environment.
Since fall 2007, Wassookeag makes its home in the green belt at the south edge of the UMaine campus, in alliance with the LongGreenHouse project of the University of Maine, a unique collaboration among Native American elders, international permaculture experts, and New Media faculty. Our goal is to create multi-age Living/Learning Nodes for Eco-Regeneration integrating Digital Culture, Permaculture and Indigenous Culture.
If you are interested in our work or are engaged in similar work, please let us know.
info AT
ThoughtMesh is an unusual model for publishing and discovering scholarly papers online. It gives readers a tag-based navigation system that uses keywords to connect excerpts of essays published on different Web sites.
Add your essay to the mesh, and ThoughtMeshgives you a traditional navigation menu plus a tag cloud that enables nonlinear access to text excerpts. You can navigate across excerpts both within the original essay and from related essays distributed across the mesh. More…
Variable Media
The variable media paradigm pairs artists with museum and media consultants to provoke comparison of artworks created in ephemeral mediums. The initiative aims to define each of these case studies in terms of medium-independent behaviors and to identify artist-approved strategies for preserving artwork with the help of an interactive questionnaire.
Interarchive aims to change the paradigm of online scholarship by distributing the way research is published and cited across the entire Web. Although its initial focus is the media arts, Interarchive proposes an emergent approach to acquiring and recognizing influence that might be applied to any networked environment, whether the instruments of influence are academic papers or digital art.
RFC: Request for Ceremony
This project elicits, distributes, and records some examples of Ceremony generated by people attempting to practice or re-activate their kinship with the Beings of Creation, and to remember or reconnect to their Home.
Each entry here includes a greeting which locates the contributor and their relation to those already part of the local mesh, as well as a description of the ceremony, location with map, story of the Ceremony in actual practice, related media, and comments.
Edge of Art
This publication combines rigorous intellectual argument with innovative visual layout (both designed by authors) and focuses on investigations of art-like activities found in science, design, politics, commerce, narrative, and online community. Genres examined include code art, autobotography, hacktivist art, community art, map art, and artificial life art.